September 8, 2024

penile traction devices

When you are looking at penile traction devices there are a lot of options available to you today. You have Jes-Extender, Traction Masturbator, the Jes Extender, and many more to choose from. What makes the Jes Extender so special though? Well, it has all the features you would look for in a penile traction device.

The QuickStart System is the most popular penile traction device out there today simply because of its ease of use. It uses the double strap method of stretching the penis and a new double band system (DSS) which adjusts tension and greatly reduces slippage. The double band system allows it to stretch up to an inch at a time while allowing the penile shaft to hold its maximum length without stretching much. This means you get very strong, and very permanent gains in both the length and girth of your penis.

The Jes Extender are two penile traction devices that are in the running for getting the results you are looking for, as well as many others. The VigRX Plus has an advertised length of nine and a half inches, while the Jes Extender has an advertised size of eight and a half inches. With both, you should expect to gain about three inches in the length of your penis. These three inches gained in time will allow you to perform in your sexual performance with both partners much more easily, as well as giving you more confidence in bed.

So how do these penile traction devices work? It’s simple: the penis extenders use a tension mechanism designed to force the cells in the penis to multiply. In the first month of using the device, you will notice gains in both length and girth. After about six months of using the extender, you should start to see a reduction in both length and girth. This reduction comes from the cell expansion process taking place in your penile traction device. The number of cells that grow and multiply is what gives the traction extender its effectiveness.

The penile traction therapy devices designed by Peyronie and Follicular Transfer were patented in 1996 in the United States. This was not the first time such a device had been patented. Other companies had created similar devices, but their effectiveness was limited. In fact, one of the first cases of a non-thermal mechanical traction extender had been reported around twenty years ago. In that case, a French plastic surgeon reported that his patients with Peyronie’s disease had benefitted from the procedure and saw significant improvement over a period of two years. Two years later, another study by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine concluded that Peyronie’s disease, or PE, may be corrected through mechanical traction.

If Peyronie’s patients enjoyed significant benefits after the penile traction exercises, it would follow that many men today would also see similar results. Unfortunately, not all devices produced the same results. Some didn’t last long, while others didn’t work at all. Many also didn’t perform well. In many cases, the exercises performed with these devices resulted in little improvement and were disappointing.

If the penile traction devices you use don’t last long, they will also result in less than satisfactory results. This isn’t the end of the world, though, because there are other, non-invasive ways to correct penile deformities. In some cases, the deformities could be corrected with the use of natural stretching exercises. Other methods, such as the “Jelq” exercise routine, have been shown to be very effective in lengthening penises.

Penis-lengthening exercises aren’t the only option for those who want to increase the length and girth of their penises. Traction devices are still an effective way to make your penis longer and thicker. As long as you make sure you are using the right device, you will get the results you are looking for.

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